Friday 18 October 2013



datorren asteko martitzenean, urriaren 22an, arrastiko 5etan 3.zikloko kurtso hasierako batzarra egingo dugu.  Ahalik eta guraso gehien etortzea gustatuko litzaiguke.

Wednesday 9 October 2013


Today, your homework is watching this video and meanwhile you have to do a list with the animals that appear on it.  After that add 5 more marine animals you like.  You have to write the names in English, if you don’t know their names, use the dictionary.  We need your list as soon as possible.

Ocean Requiem from Howard Hall on Vimeo.


Hello 2nd cycle students!

Your new project is "The Titanic".

Can you imagine yourself travelling on the Titanic?

This presentation will help you.  Pay attention to the information.

Thursday 3 October 2013

STAND by Lenny Kravitz

3rd cycle students, you watched this video in the music class, Stand by Lenny Kravitz .


And you wanted to know if the video was related to the lyrics.

We tried to understand the lyrics that we found on the net. Lyrics

However, in the first paragraph we had a big problem, we could not understand what "will" and "gonna" meant. We discovered that they had something to do with the future and "gonna" was the contraction of "going to".

In some grammar books we found "will" and "going to". We talked about it and we have done some exercises in class.  Now, it's time to practice at home.  Here you have some exercises you can do online. Exercise 1 Exercises 2 Exercise 3 Exercise 4 Exercise 5